Welcome to the site of Qutb Arak Industrial Town.

Qutb Arak Industrial Town Cooperative Co
Qutb Arak Industrial Town Cooperative Co
نقش موثری در امر تولید و رونق اقتصادی و صنعتی کشور و بهبود شاخص اشتغال کلانشهر اراک
شرکت تعاونی شهرک صنعتی قطب اراک
شرکت تعاونی شهرک صنعتی قطب اراک
بهبود محیط کسب و کار و رونق فعالیت های دانش بنیان در افق آینده قابل دسترس

About us

In 1361, a land with an area of 62 hectares in the southeast side of Arak, between the intersection of Khomein road and Tehran road, with the permission of the country’s forests and pastures organization, was designated by the General Department of Natural Resources of Central Province in the east of Arak city with industrial use and named industrial pole. and the plots of the field were handed over during the following years without any infrastructure facilities to natural and legal persons applying for the construction of a workshop in the form of a long-term lease contract in the implementation of Article 32 of the Law on the Protection and Exploitation of Forests and Rangelands until after receiving the exploitation license, By the tenants, the definitive transfer of the title deed should be issued in the name of the operators, and the management of the current affairs of this industrial hub was under the authority of the municipality.
In about two decades after the handover, when about 120 units were established in this industrial area, due to the lack of a suitable trustee, no infrastructure facilities in the direction of construction and development in this industrial pole, like government industrial estates, had been established; With the discussion of privatization in the form of paragraph (p) note (2) of the country’s budget law of 1379, the senior officials of the province encouraged the veteran managers of the established units to create a private industrial town in order to organize this area.
Following the Resolution No. 59879/T dated 28/12/1379 of the Council of Ministers regarding the approval of the establishment of the Qutb Industrial Town, the establishment of the Cooperative Construction Services Company of Qutb Industrial was made with the registration license No. 4207 on 24/12/1380 and this company On 12/26/1381, the trustee of the settlement succeeded in receiving the license to operate the non-governmental industrial settlement of Qutb from the then Ministry of Industries and Mines.

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industrial units
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Active companies
Town area (hectares)
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green space (hectares)
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Established industrial units

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ضبط پیام صوتی

زمان هر پیام صوتی 5 دقیقه است